Comprehensive care tailored-fit for your condition
Services Available for Residents with Dementia:
- Assistance with eating
- Redirection and distraction techniques if the resident’s actions pose a hazard to themselves or others.
- Incontinence care
- Hygiene and dental care
- Personalized activities
- Monitoring for changes with appropriate notification to the MD
- Assistance with medication routines
- Observation for changes in behavior that would warrant MD intervention
Physical Environment Related to Dementia Care
We shall provide a dementia-friendly environment, including labeling common items, reducing background noise, and providing colorful stimulation, which can have significant benefits on the resident’s symptoms, including reduction of agitation and possibly, confusion.
We Shall:
- Encourage a homelike setting: familiar furniture, comforters, pictures, and decorations
- Display resident’s artwork or pictures related to the resident’s favorite hobby
- Eliminate background noise and play soft music during meals and ADL
- Provide chairs that are easy to get in and out of, and tables at the correct height
- Provide drawers and closets that open easily
- Avoid clutter which can increase confusion and agitation from excessive decorations, or general clutter around the facility.
- Use soft but sufficient lighting.
- Keep common areas and hallways easy to navigate: adequate lighting, good spacing between furniture, color contrast between floors and walls, adequate handrails.